Project title / Naziv projekta: Smart home models in VET
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Project news / Vesti sa projekta:

To see the webinar held on June 25, 2024 click on the link in the following sentence. / Snimak vebinara održanog 25.06.2024. godine na projektu za nastavno osoblje srednjih stručnih škola.

The presentation on smart technologies can be seen here. / Na prethodnom linku mozete pogledati prezentaciju o pametnim tehnologijama profesora Dragana Rastovca.

The project was created according to the idea of our professor Božo Ilić. The coordinator of the partnership is the ELPROS, Croatia, whereas other partners are Panevėžio mokymo centras, Lithuania, Ida-Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Estonia, and Baranya Megyei Szakképzési Centrum, Hungary.

In mid-December 2022, we hosted a meeting of all teams and a three-day workshop for 16 participants from partner schools, presenting them our teaching model of a smart home.

ERASMUS+ project Smart home models in VET – working meeting in Hungary

Our project team participated in a meeting with colleagues from partner institutions in Pécs on 3-5 April 2023. Our host was the secondary school center Baranya Megyei Szakképéssi Centrum, whose member is the Zipernowsky Károly Technical School with which we directly cooperate, founded way back in 1912. We visited their well-equipped workshops and met students who win first places in competitions. They presented us their version of the smart home model that is being developed on this joint project to help students master the layout of smart installations and equipment control more easily.

In the continuation of the working part of the meeting, the Project Coordinator, Electrical Engineering and Traffic School Osijek from Croatia, prepared a detailed report on the activities carried out so far. We gave a presentation of the future smart classroom in our school, and announced a short-term programme of studies on the topic of technologies used in a smart home.

Cooperation with representatives of companies whose activity is related to smart structures is very important to all of us because of the student practice that can be carried out there. That is why the online participation of the manager of the Hungarian company Okosotthonlabor  was extremely interesting, and representatives of partner schools from Lithuania and Estonia were also present via video link.

Meeting in Croatia

Another hybrid project meeting has been held to mark the completion of the first project year. Partners from Hungary, Serbia and Croatia met in-person in Osijek, while our colleagues from Lithuania hosted the team from Estonia on 16-18 October 2023.

The project Smart home models in VET is focused on the making of several different smart home models, which are in their final phase of development in partner schools. The meeting was also an opportunity to exchange good practices related to combining project activities with KA1 mobilities for students.

Project hybrid team meeting held in VTSNS

On 18-20 March 2024 teams from Croatia, Hungary and Serbia met in Novi Sad in-person while our colleagues from Estonia and Lithuania joined us online from their countries. This hybrid meeting came after the completion of two thirds of the project, which were summarized through budget reports and obtained results.

The remaining seven months will be spent on the implementation of the smart home models in teaching and training activities aimed at staff and students from partner organisations. There are also a lot of dissemination events planned such as Smart Home Open Days and webinars for VET teachers from schools outside the partnership. The idea is to promote smart home technologies in VET and beyond, as well as the benefits they provide like energy saving and positive environmental impact.

Six of our final year students doing working placement at school took active role in the preparation and realization of the meeting.